

REASONS WHY THE SEVENTHDAY SABBATH SHOULD BE KEPT THE KEEPING OF THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK as a day of worship is a question much disscussed. Although it is a day observed by the majority of the Christian world, most leaders of Christianity admit that the observance of the day came into use gradually during the second and third centuries after Christ. Yet, they claim divine Authority for Sunday as a sacred day.  The commentaries of all denominations admit that there is no command in either the Old or New Testament Against or for keeping the first day as the Sabbath; therefore they give reasons for keeping it as a substitute for the seventh day saying;  (1) "we keep the first day of the week because it is the Lord's day" (2) "Because it is the day for communion" (3) "Because it is the day to take up general offering of the Church" (4) "Because Christ met with the disciples on that day" (5) "Because Christ arose from Death on the first d...


MEMA WITH MMA EKA CHIBUEZE You've been seeing each other for Months or probably years... He doesn't talk about marriage and even if you do, he drags his feet, changes the topic, pretends to be busy so you just drop the topic Along the line, you got pregnant. All of a sudden, he wants marriage He fixes the date and everything is done! Aunty, you will never know if that man truly wanted you for you or because of the pregnancy Sister, you'll never get to know if you are actually the woman he would have chosen over and over again if pregnancy didn't happen It doesn't matter as long as he married you right? Hahaha..... Sister, you'll soon find out that the aim is not to finally get him to marry you but to be loved, respected, valued and appreciated all through the marriage What an elder sees sitting down, a child cannot even if he climbs the rooftop For the little years I've been in this profession, I have seen and handled a lot I won't spill much but when th...


  WAYS TO KEEP YOUR LOVER HAPPY  1 Find out what music your lever likes, and player 2. Sing to each other, especially if you can't sing Listen to sang that turns you on and write the words nut so you will remember them. Then without any music sing that song as a surprise gift to your lover. Watch the tears come to their eyes 3. Find out what scents your lover likes, eg, perfumes and especially  essential oils Get an essential oil diffuser 3. Wear the clothes your lover likes  4.Try something wild in latex   5. Serve the food your lover likes. 6. Select locations for lovemaking that your partner likes 7. Prepare yourself for stimulating conversation. Do some homework if necessary to have something interesting to talk about. 8 Give lots of compliments on a regular basis. 9. Compliment you lover in front of others. 10. Tell each other all the things you like and appreciate about each other. Do this every day. II. Show your body to your lover. Let them look as long as they like 12. Tak...


Lesson 15-October 9, 2022 THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH  AIM:: To teach us that righteousness and absolute trust in God is vital to please God. TEXT: Gal. 3:10-12, Rom 4:17-21; Heb. 11:1-40. MEMORY VERSE: For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written, the just shall live by faith". Rom. 1:17. INTRODUCTION God hates impurity and loves righteousness He resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Heb 1:9a, 1Pet. 5:5b; Prov. 4:34: God wants His children or people to be right and just; depending on Him for all things. The scripture encourages us to put our trust in God, that He will never withhold any good thing from them that walk uprightly. Ps. 84:11. A person you do not believe in, you cannot trust. All we need, both Spiritual and temporal must come from God Habakkuk made us to know that God is of purer eyes than to behold evil..... Hab. 1:13. He commanded us to be holy be...