PHILIP EMEAGWALI (Bill Gate of Africa)

PHILIP EMEAGWALI (Bill Gate of Africa) He was born on August 23, 1954, in Akure Nigeria, the son of James Emeagwali and his 16 year old wife, Agathar. In April 1967 he was withdrawn from Philip Emeagwali school as his family hid in refuges camps during an ethnic cleansing in which 50,000 Igbos Indigenes were killed. At the age of 14, he was Conscripted into Biafran Army as a child Soldier in one of Africa's bloodiest conflicts. After six months in the army, the civil war ended and he was reunited with his family. He attended school briefly and then dropped out again because his parents could not afford to pay his school fees. He earned his first diploma from the University of London (through self study) in 1973 and subsequently, won a scholarship to Oregon State University. From 1977-93, he did graduate study. professional practice and academic research at Howard University (Civil Engineering), Maryland State Highway Administration (transportation engineering George Washington Univ...