DOES PENIS SIZE MATTER? Does Dick size really matter? Lots of men and women across the globe sure do think so! There have been scores of men and women. joking, commenting, and prodding about this issue of size. Men have actually been known into measuring their own with a scale And women seem to be obsessed with their bust sizes. I really don't know what it is with the both of them Boobs and babes have always been the most lethal combination: we have seen so far, add to that, the penile length and what we have is an obsessed society, one that gives more marks to the size of either organs rather than the health aspect of these. Most women would go to any lengths to get that upper extremity fluffed and padded up, all in the name of looking attractive Men have perhaps tried everything for that first impression from his partner Size Doesn't matter: Normally, men never really speak up about their pent up emotional side and when it comes to penis length, they are more than glad that t...