WAYS TO KEEP YOUR LOVER HAPPY 1 Find out what music your lever likes, and player 2. Sing to each other, especially if you can't sing Listen to sang that turns you on and write the words nut so you will remember them. Then without any music sing that song as a surprise gift to your lover. Watch the tears come to their eyes 3. Find out what scents your lover likes, eg, perfumes and especially essential oils Get an essential oil diffuser 3. Wear the clothes your lover likes 4.Try something wild in latex 5. Serve the food your lover likes. 6. Select locations for lovemaking that your partner likes 7. Prepare yourself for stimulating conversation. Do some homework if necessary to have something interesting to talk about. 8 Give lots of compliments on a regular basis. 9. Compliment you lover in front of others. 10. Tell each other all the things you like and appreciate about each other. Do this every day. II. Show your body to your lover. Let them look as long as they like 12. Tak...